C0-founder & Service Manager
Becky has Autism and ADHD, she also has 3 children with Autism and multiple other disabilities. She has a passion for helping her community which is why she set up SASS. She has training/experience in SEND law, counselling, Autism, DBS, CAMH's Autism parent support and much more
Director & Admin Manager
Sarah is a mother and Grandmother to people with Autism. She has a passion for Autism and has experience in supporting people and safeguarding. She is the lady behind the computer.
Jen help establish SASS, she has experience in advocacy for young people. She has Autism and ADHD. you may see Jen at our support groups but Jen has taken some time away from SASS but works hard behind the scenes.
Director and 1-1 Lead
Hayley is our trained 1-1 lead she joined SASS as a service user and had a passion for helping people and worked her way up to director. Hayley has 2 children with Autism. She has training in Autism and NRV.
Head Training & Therapy Practitioner
Toni is a Parent of a child with Autism and ADHD, she has vast training in areas such as DBT and Zones of regulation and has a background in nursing. She has a passion for learning and using that to help support families.
Senior PA and PM
Emma has two children one of which has Autism. Emma has been a volunteer at our cooking and SEN days and now helps navigate the projects and PA to Management so you will see her friendly face on different projects.
Art Coach and crisis support
Dev has children with Autism.
Appointed Peer's
A Parent appointed peer is not a full volunteer but a parent that has attending for a long time and now helps other peers needing support
Paul is our male support lead, he was our triage worker and now runs our Dad/male carers chat.
Paul has a son with Autism and has a passion for helping others
Parent Peer Home ED
Teresa has a child with Autism who presents with a PDA profile. This led Teresa to have a special interest in PDA and Autism. She has a nursing background and also identifies as Neuro diverse herself.
Thanking our past hero's
Below is a list of people who have been kind enough to share their time volunteering for our service . A special thank you to all of our current and past volunteers.
You may have seen Vixx on a number of projects, She was a family support worker, was the face of our cooking sessions and was bubbly and helpful in all area's. We thank her for her time with us and everything she brought to the service and help she provided to others, especially the background work for our projects.
Was one of our parent support at school drop in. she was also a one-one support workers and was friendly and supportive to our parents.
We thank her for her time she shared.
was one of our one-one support workers and also helped at a number of events, She brought passion for acceptance and understanding of Autism in education. She helped get our Autism in school support project running and we thank her for her time she shared.
She was a one-one support workers and also helped with our online groups in Covid. She had a passion for being inclusive to minorities affected by Autism Thank you to her for her time she committed
helped with one - one support and was also our very own Mrs Claus at our SEN Christmas event. Thank you to her and the time she committed.